Saturday, 16 April 2016

Numerical simulations within ETHOS

The following movies were made by my colleague, Mark Vogelsberger. They show the three dimensional structure (via the camera rotation) of three different models within ETHOS and also in the standard CDM model. You can see that in general the ETHOS models predict less dark matter clumps.

For a better resolution video, more images and info about ETHOS visit this webpage created by Mark.

Saturday, 12 March 2016

ETHOS II in astrobites

Just a quick post to share that I just realized that our paper based on ETHOs was mentioned on astrobites. You can read about this astrobites review following this link.

Saturday, 9 January 2016


Back in December we submitted a second paper in our efforts towards developing ETHOS. On this paper, we use the effective mapping developed in ETHOS I, to construct initial conditions for several dark matter models, which we use as the input of cosmological simulations. These simulations follow evolution of a dark matter halo as it grows into a structure similar in size to the halo of our own Milky Way.

We have found the conditions under which dark matter self-interactions and interactions with dark radiation (DAOs) can alleviate a couple of outstanding challenges to the current model of structure formation (CDM). These challenges are related to the abundance and inner structure of dwarf galaxies (I have briefly mentioned both in earlier posts). Check the image below that I have prepared for a talk I'll give about ETHOS.